I set a goal for myself at the end of school in June.  I wanted  to lose the almost ten pounds I had gained in the last year or so.  I had my goal.  How would I accomplish it?  Could I get lose weight by just saying I wanted to?  Could I cross my fingers and hope for it?  Of course not!

I set SMART goals.  SMART is an acronym:

Specific – I wanted to lose 8-10 pounds. I decided to  use an app to track my calories which told me how many calories to consume per day to lose 1 – 2 pounds a week.

Measurable – I could measure whether I was on track by weighing myself at least once a week.  An important step in achieving my larger goal was to lose 1-2 pounds a week.

Attainable – Losing 8-10 lbs in eleven weeks is reasonable and attainable.

Relevant – Cutting back calories is relevant to losing weight. I also added extra exercise to my daily plan.

Timely- I gave myself eleven weeks to lose the weight.

Setting these SMART goals helped me to achieve my goal. I lost 8 pounds and I feel great!

Let’s pretend you have a goal to save $50 to buy something you want – video game, new jeans, concert tickets, etc.  Set SMART goals to achieve that goal.   Open a Google doc to respond.  Remember to share it with me.