
Collaboration is the key word for second quarter!  We’ll be working together in book clubs discussing great books and asking each other thought provoking questions to increase the enjoyment we get from our reading.  Today everyone filled out a book club survey which asked several questions about past experiences with book clubs, what makes a good discussion, and what are the best qualities of  a great discussion question.

One great thing about Google Forms is that all your responses compiled into a single spreadsheet!  Check out all the insightful responses you made to these questions:

Have you ever participated in a book club or literature circle before?

No not really, but I have been recommended books by my friends and we talked about them, it was fun. *** I have participated in literature circles in all of elementary school. They are fun because everyone reads a certain amount and we do activities to discuss about. ***Yes, I participated in a literature circle in 1st-5th grade. I really enjoyed the jobs we had to do for homework. Then, the next day we would share them in class.***I have not participated in a book club or a literature circle. ***I have at school last year it was part of the curriculum. We read Tuck Everlasting. We only met three times a month. It was fun and i think i would want to be in another one. ***I have participated in a literature circle before. It was in 5th grade. We read some of the book, then did something with it, like finding good words or making a summary. ***Yes, I am currently in a book club right now. I like the way we would get to try different books that wouldn’t be at the top of your list but you still try it and at the end you get to talk about it.***Yes, I’m in the battle of the books book club. Its fine, we work on projects on the books that we are told to read in groups according to the book you’ve read. *** No I have not even been in a book club or literature club EVER. ***I participated in a literature circle before in fifth grade. It was fun, the teacher gave us a certain amount to read every night and we would discuss that.***No I have not been in a book club. ***Yes, but its was not fun.***I have not but I would like too.

What do you like about discussing books in small groups? What do you dislike about it? If you’ve never done it before, write about what you think you might like or dislike.

I think i might like discussing books in small groups because i would be able to read more books.*** how everything went down in the book. I wouldn’t dislike anything. *** I might like it because it will help me understand confusing things. ***I like  talking about what we have read in the book and about what has been happening.*** I dislike that sometimes we have to talk about the whole story page by page and it is so boring. ***I think that I might like more clarity on whats going on from other people.***I like when we are reading a book and we all give our opinion about what might happen next. What I dislike about it is when we only have a certain time to finish the book.*** I think I might like it because you get to talk about your favorite books! ***I like to see other peoples ideas about whats going to happen next in a book. I don’t like having someone pick a book for us I think we should have a vote on witch book. *** I would probably like how people would listen. I probably wouldn’t like how it would be a little boring.***I like how i get to see peoples different perspectives on the book and i do not have any dislikes about it. ***I like discussing about books in little groups because I can describe the book in my own view. It doesn’t matter what anybody else things about the book. That’s there way of see it. I have my own way.***I think I like discussing the book in a small group because it gives you a sense were everyone else is in the book. kinda I like to see different points of view. same as what I just rote.*** …discussing really good books we have already read or about what we are reading.*** I would want the people in the book club to be happy and not like have the “I was forced to come here” look.***I like discussing books in small groups because I like to hear every bodies opinion. But I didn’t necessarily like the groups because the books the teachers gave us where really corny. ***I like the way you read new books that you had no clue that it even existed.***The only thing I don’t like about discussing in groups is that many people will disagree over what they think about the book. ***I like to hear other peoples point of veiw about books. ***I like how we can bounce off ideas about the books.

What do you think are the three most important qualities for a discussion question?

That it goes along with the book, that it is ABOUT the book (or at least what you think about it), and the answer not being just one answer, maybe it would be an opinion question. ***Connections, predictions, and questions something to discuss the book to read over again people who have read it***That you get deep in thoughts and questions, and that you ask good questions and have good answers.***1. Make sure you can make a good conversation out of it. 2. The question should be on the right topic. 3. Think of an interesting question.*** 1. what point in the book are you at? 2. what is your opinion? 3. would you suggest this to other people? why?*** The question needs to ask other’s opinion when discussing ***Pay attention to everyone when they talk ***You should listen to everybody thoughts,participate, and don’t get off task. ***I think the three important qualities for a discussion question is for it to make you re-read the passage in the book to let them really think, make them meaningful and interesting, and about how their feeling.***what did you like about it? was it hard to read? if there was a squeal would you read it?? ***To talk about a book everyone likes. ***To ask about the favorite characters. ***To explain why.***The question has to be a discussion question.(2-3 sentences of an answer) ***It has to be related to the book*** It should include what,when,where,why,who***what do you think of the book -how many pages should we all read in a week -have you found any good figurative language*** Taking turns Listening to one another Acutely talking about books***1. I think that it has to be meaningful 2. It can’t be about some super tiny detail that nobody remembers. 3. There It has to be about the book, or a connection to the book. ***-What did you like most about this book? -Who were the main charecters in your book? -did you enjoy reading your book?***1.That everybody talks 2.That everybody in the group ask question about the reading 3.Everybody has to talk***Everyone should say there own answer, everyone should have a reason behind there answer, and everyone should say if they disagree with another persons answer or agree and why they agree or disagree.***

What do you think are the three most important things a group should do to have a productive and interesting discussion?

1. discuss everyone’s opinions 2. explain what is going on in the part you are at in the story 3. compare thoughts about what may happen next ***I think the three most important things a group should do to have a productive and interesting discussion is for the whole group to be friends and have fun, participate, and be friendly. They must understand what one another is saying. Plus all ideas must be put in to consider. Finally they must communicate and not just scream and fight. ***I think that understanding the book, participating, and actually reading the book are the most important things. 1. Everyone shares their work 2. Everyone comments on someones work 3. Everyone stays on topic***They have to respect each other, listen to each other and don’t fool around.***I think that everyone should be focused on where hey are in the book, Be interested about what others think of the book, and feel free to ask questions about the book.*** 1. Be a good listener – listen to everyone’s thoughts on the book 2. Don’t be afraid to share your thoughts 3. Talk loud and clear***1. Listen 2. Give details 3. Share what you think***meet after reading 2 or 3 chapters so we can share connections,predictions,and connections.***A group should have a wide variety of different types of thinkers so they can get every angle of the discussions. But it should have people that read at the same pace so no individual falls behind in the group. ***Read what you must read, for better understanding of the conversation. Be quite Listen focus***1. Let everyone participate 2. Think of creative questions for everyone to answer 3. Getting along with other group members***. They should give everyone a chance to share their ideas 2. They should make sure that everyone is on task 3. It should be about a book they want to read ***. They should give everyone a chance to share their ideas 2. They should make sure that everyone is on task 3. It should be about a book they want to read***

Great job everyone!

keep calm and read on